On-line Privacy

While I was taking the class, somebody or the professor brought a question about parents monitoring what their children do on computer. One of my classmates answered “My parents thought if I didn’t let them know what I was doing, they thought I was doing something inappropriate.”

Although my parents never said this, had my parents said the same thing, I’d strongly go against them. Every one goes through puberty and I was one of them. I only needed little privacy but it wasn’t anything inappropriate. I chatted with my friends about what song we sang in karaoke (teenagers are legally allowed to hang out in karaoke in Korea), how we spent our lunch time, who is the boy I like, etc. It was just my personality to keep it to myself. Although my mom sometimes sneaked into my window through terrace to make sure I am not watching porn, I am glad my parents had strong trust compared to other parents.

Some parents are just too concerned that their children may lack the ability to cope with inappropriate contents online. But I want them to know that children are learning through experience and they are so much stronger than parents may think.


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