Smartphone addiction at young age

I read an article dealing with   Smartphone addiction is gettling younger age. I was interested in this article because Korea was mentioned several times to refer the seriousness of smart phone addiction.

A young boy uses an iPhone to take photos in Tiananmen Square in Beijing on 30 September, 2014

According to the article, out of 1,000 Korean students, 72% of children own a smartphone by the age of 11-12, spend 5.4 hours a day, and 25% of them are considered addicted. It also mentions that stress is a strong indicator to smartphone addiciton.

Due to the fact that Korea is high competitive society, children suffer from big pressure from early age. They are forced to study, to find out their strength, and to work on it.

I know parents allow their children to use electronic devices hoping their children will grow up as a technology friendly kids. However in order to guarantee their happy childhood memory, strong regulation  is necessary rather than just leaving them to do  whatever they want. I would lilke to recommend two hours of screen time for kindergarten kids. Three hours for primary students, four hours for above. No excuses even if it is for educational purpose. I am sure that kids can always learn more off line.

Competitive South Korea Education

Korean students rank the top at international tests. This is why Korea education get so much attention all over the world. Unlike how other countries admire it, Koreans see it rather negatively. Students commit suicide because they’re so stressed of studying. Parents put priority into study. Without knowing why they should study, students move from cram school to private tutor to rank the top. An article about competitive South Korea education tells the reality.

I thank my parents for not forcing me to study. They would always encourage me to study, be supportive so that I get the opportunity for whatever is beneficial for me. But my parents always say that they are not gonna force anyone to study because they know that studying without self-motivation is useless.

I was self-motivated when I was in high-school. That is why I can go to good school, get fair grades. My parents do not need to nag at me to study. I know that, to my parents, I am more important than my grades. I feel sorry for the young kids in Korea who might think they are less valued than their grades. I feel sorry that they have nothing to cherish when looking back at their childhood after they grow up. I believe what you have in childhood makes up who you are. When life gets hard, you always have that precious treasure in your heart so you never give up life.

Online Relationship


Technology, especially the development of SNS, has brought whole new features into relationship. Being able to have various kinds of relationship,  I analyzed online relationship by looking at relationships based on Facebook. There are three types of relationship.

1. Off-line best friends on SNS

This is the people I knew off-line first and then became friends on Facebook. My friends and I frequently meet off-line and share secrets. There is also a dynamic interaction on SNS.

2. Not-so-close off-line relationship yet fairly close relationship on SNS

This is the people I knew off-line but we did not have the chance to make it to the best friends. We are awkward to meet personally but we pretend not to be so on SNS. SNS interaction actually enforces relationship.

3. No personal relationship off-line yet interaction on SNS

This is the people who share common interest with me and it is one-way interaction. We may not know each other personally, but we still “Like” each other’s post and may share one’s own opinion.

Previously, it was hard for people to keep relationship without constant personal contact. However, nowadays, it became much more easier for people to maintain relationship. I don’t need to see friends regularly, or ask how they’re doing. By keeping my Facebook wall updated, it makes my friends feel close to me and vice versa.

Does technology protect or deprive of privacy of modern people?


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Does technology protect or deprive of privacy of modern people?

Does technology mean privacy? Does technology guarantee privacy? Thanks to technology, modern people have many opportunities to enjoy their secret life. Yet, they are always concerned about its revelation. I have thought about the advantages and the disadvantages regarding technology and disadvantages.


-secure information (individual can secure own information by setting password in accessing to information)

-various methods of personal contact  (people do not need to face someone to get in touch; people can secretly contact with others)


-danger of hacking (technology is so developed that people can hack others’ personal information with professional skill)

-unwanted post of my privacy by other people (consider how scandalous news article comes up on magazine of celebrities which did not exist before)


As much as people try to secure privacy, there is a danger of loss of privacy. If the danger offsets the trial, what is the point of saying the term “Privacy?”



Pros and Cons of Online Dating

I used to have stigma towards online dating. I heard mor about failures of online dating rather than successful stories. I thought it is dangerous to meet someone online because you never know what the person is like. However, as I went through the post about Pros and Cons of Online Dating, I started to think about positive sides of online dating.

Online dating…

goes beyond the geographical limits

makes easier for singles to try asking out

is available for 24hours

enable to meet people in same interest easily

These are some of the features I had to agree with. Although it may sound like cliche, I think that keeping the balance between offline and online dating is important. Online dating may be unavoidable nowadays, yet people have to end up meeting each other offline.

Eversince technology has developed, there are sideffects that ensue. As much as we appreciate the technology, we have to try hard to keep balance between technology and analogue.

500 Days of Summer


I recently watched a movie titled 500 Days of Summer. It’s pretty old famous movie. I think that this movie well describes characteristics about the modern relationship.

Summer, the heroine, likes Tom, the hero, but does not want to be in serious relationship. She would do whatever she likes to do with Tom that is way beyond the border of freinds, but she still says they are only friends. This really confuses Tom who is so much in love with Summer. Summer ends the relationship when it starts to get too serious.

Nowadays, the boundary between friends and girl and boy friend is so confusing. Some would look for romance, and others just don’t want something too serious. It is frustrating that people look for different things and get hurt. What do you look for in relationship? What is your own definition of friends and girl and boyfriend?

Is Mobile-phone more important?


Mobile phone serves uncountable kinds of services: camera, music player, SNS, chatting, searching, mobile banking, texting, calling and etc. It is surely a good method of killing time. However, people are so addicted to it that they always hold it even if they had buch of stuffs to do.

My question is, is mobile-phone more important than people you’re spending time with? It is common that people gather to hang out and all they do is amusing themselves with mobile-phone without a single word being spoken.

In Korea, there is a game about not touching mobile-phone. When people gather, they put their mobile-phones aside and whoever reaches to his/her mobile-phone has to drink a shot of alcohol. The reason this game is still ongoing is first, it really makes people concentrate on their freinds next to them. Second, yet there are still people who cannot bear the time without their mobile-phones on their hands.

Although mobile-phone is essential and gives various advantages to our daily life, it is desperate for people to learn what should come first. Relationship or mobile phone?

Long Distance Relationship


Thanks to the development of technology, people get in touch anywhere and anytime. This enables long distance relationship of which old generation never thought. Eventhough two people are thousand miles apart, they still can talk, hear and see each other.

I have a friend who is going out with a guy from Italy. They met each other at China in 2014. Only few months of spending time together, they both headed to their home; my friend to Korea and her boyfriend back to Italy. Yet, they are still together. My friend said that she does not feel lonely because she sees and talks to him everyday through Skype. Technology has brought a brand-new relationship to thid modern society.